Understanding by Design Center for Teaching Vanderbilt University

backward design in education

Academic standards usually provide the best direction for educational goals. For example, according to the Common Core Standards for Mathematical Practice, students should be able to understand the concept of ratios by the end of sixth grade. It is the teacher’s job to determine, via backward lesson design, how their students will reach the necessary level of proficiency. In Understanding by Design, Wiggins and McTighe argue that backward design is focused primarily on student learning and understanding. When teachers are designing lessons, units, or courses, they often focus on the activities and instruction rather than the outputs of the instruction.

Stage 1: Identify Desired Results

But the governor, legislators, advocates, educators and experts agree that the state needs to commit even more to education, pointing to cost-of-living-adjusted rankings that place California 41st in education spending. In 2019, about 51% of students who took the exam — administered to high-school juniors and students in grades 3-8 — had mastered the state’s reading standards. In math, about 40% of students who took the exam earned a passing score. But by the late 1990s, as court orders to desegregate were lifted, schools quietly re-segregated, and test scores and metrics began showing diminishing progress. When the “No Child Left Behind Act” was signed in 2001 by President George W. Bush, closing the achievement gap was its explicit aim — it was even in the title of the law. Few goals in education have been as frustrating and urgent as the effort to fix the deep, generational disparity in achievement between the haves and the have-nots in California schools.

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The future of learning: Exploring AI's revolutionary impact on education.

Posted: Thu, 28 Mar 2024 07:00:00 GMT [source]


These random activities are taking up precious time that could be spent on much more valuable stuff. This is a hard pill to swallow, because I wasn’t half bad as a teacher. I had decent relationships with my students and I believe most of them had good experiences in my classroom, but real, durable learning?

backward design in education

Basic Steps of Backward Design Lesson Plans

UCLA researchers recently found that California was the most segregated state for Latinos, “where 58% attend intensely segregated schools,” exacerbating inequities in educational opportunities. More than half of the state’s Black students are concentrated in just 25 of the state’s 1,000 school districts. Of the students enrolled in K-12 public schools in California, less than 30% are white, the researchers found. By identifying the qualities I want my students to remember me by, I’m using backward design to create my own KUDs—the things I must know, understand, and do in order to achieve these outcomes. It guides how I redirect students, how I handle mistake making, and what consequences students receive. The first step to producing quality online, blended or face-t0-face courses is quality course design.


The backward design framework suggests that instructors should consider these overarching learning goals and how students will be assessed prior to consideration of how to teach the content. For this reason, backward design is considered a much more intentional approach to course design than traditional methods of design. Alignment is the degree to which learning objectives, assessments, learning activities, and instructional materials work together to achieve the desired course goals. Traditionally, instructors have applied a forward or content-centered approach to designing lessons, modules, or courses.

Since the point of defining ILOs is to provide a design focus for your course and to clarify goals for students, specificity is very important. In your statement of your learning outcomes, it should be clear exactly what the goal is. In particular, beware of words like “understand” or “know.” Exactly what it means to “understand” or “know” something is open to interpretation. An undergraduate’s level of “understanding” of a topic and that of the instructor will vary wildly, and it will be difficult for students to know which level of understanding they should be aiming for. When developing ILOs, ask yourself how you will know that a student “understands” the material – what will they need to do, or say to demonstrate their understanding?

California, like other states, is experiencing a persistent shortage of qualified teachers. This disproportionately affects students who are black, Latino, economically disadvantaged or who have special needs. In the Chula Vista Elementary School District, for example, reading and math scores have risen by double-digit percentage points for black, Latino and economically disadvantaged students. Graduation rates have risen steadily in recent years — overall and for all groups — to 84.5% in 2019.


Your learning outcomes should be achievable for the students in your class and achievable in the time allotted to your subject. Crafting realistic learning outcomes requires some understanding of students’ prior knowledge and skills in your subject. The teacher first considers the knowledge and skills that students will need in order to complete the authentic assessment. Specifically, students will need to know about different food groups, human nutritional needs (carbohydrates, proteins, sugars, vitamins, minerals etc.), and about what foods provide these needs. Resources will be a pamphlet from the UDSA on food groups, the health textbook, and a video "Nutrition for You".

Work Backwards: A Design Thinking Approach To Higher Education - Forbes

Work Backwards: A Design Thinking Approach To Higher Education.

Posted: Thu, 12 Jul 2018 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Kolb’s Experiential Learning Theory & Learning Styles

If a learning outcome is not measurable, then we will not be able to know whether or not our course successfully achieved its goals. Contrary to a popular assumption, this does not mean that the leaning goal has to be quantitatively measured by some objective instrument (like a multiple-choice test). Valid and accepted measurements will vary from discipline to discipline and include both quantitative and qualitative measures. As the course designer, you decide what kind of measurements will work best for your subject.

A 6-unit, online, self-paced course for K–12 educators seeking to engage students while adhering to standards. Exploring the philosophy, process and benefits of backward lesson design. English learners and students from low-income families saw steeper grade drops.

All kids need to learn kindness, cooperation, collaboration, etc., but maybe some require more help with time management or self-advocacy. Make a list of all the skills they need—these are your essential questions or enduring understandings. Let's consider the Common Core sixth-grade content in fractions and decimals. The "Practice Standards" are basically endless formative assessments that lead students to mastery. Secondary teachers tend to think that every thing has to be graded, but non-graded is formative, too.

Both the Dick and Carey model and the backward design model are goal and objective oriented; assessment is created based on learning objectives and goals, and instruction is created based on evaluation and assessment. The Dick and Carey model, however, is a more systemic model in that making changes to components affects other components and, therefore, the changes occur in parallel. In the more linear backward design model, the steps are non-flexible which means that skipping or changing steps is not an option. Whatever the case may be, there is an alternative approach that helps instructors avoid these pitfalls and mitigate student frustrations with their learning experiences. Backward design takes a learner-centered approach to course design, facilitating the creation of more cohesive, clear, and intentional learning experiences for students. A learner-centered approach goes beyond engaging students in content and works to ensure that students have the resources and scaffolding necessary to fully understand the lesson, module, or course.


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